01/ chap 1 Hematopoiesis
02/ chap 2 The maturation of blood cells
03/ moon holiday
04/ chap 3 General aspects of red cells
05/ chap 4 General aspects of hemoglobin
06/ chap 5 Anemias and microcytic anemias
07/ chap 5 Anemias and microcytic anemias
08/ chap 6 Hereditary hemolytic anemias
09/ mid examination
10/ chap 7 Acquired hemolytic anemias
11/ chap 8 Thalassemias and hemoglobinopathies
12/ chap 9 Anemias of marrow hypofunction
13/ chap10 Macrocytic anemias and other anemias
14/ chap11 Function of granulocytes and monocytes
15/ chap12 Function of lymphocytes
16/ chap13 Abnormal leukocytes in diseases
17/ chap13
18/ final examination