課程目標: 1. 加強文法之訓練,提昇學生英文能力,以學生在畢業前達到全民英檢初級英文能力為指標。 2. 以"全民英檢完全功略本"及雜誌為教材,學習常用字彙及生活表達用語,以加強學生閱讀能力。 3. 訓練學生溝通技巧,加強學生聽力與口語練習。 授課方式: 1.本課程設計旨在改進英語教學及提昇學生之英文能力,以達到全民英檢初 級程度。 2.使用英語廣播雜誌及全民英檢完全攻略本測驗題庫本。 3.本課程要求學生課後使用語言中心或應外系所提供之自學設備,圖書,多媒體語言教室及自學中心全民英檢題庫,或回家作線上測驗題庫。期末由任課教師登記上機成績以供評分。 4.學生課後至"英語診療室"預約登記, 參加外籍老師會話課程, 以強化其學習。
Using the Telephone
Taking A message
Ordering food on the phone
An Answering Machine
Did Leo like the message?
A beautiful Spring Day
A Flower Sale
A Spring Storm
What does Jack like?
What is the weather like now?
Fashion week at the mall
What are Tom's favorite clothes?
Shopping at a clothing store?
What else can the woman wear the skirt with?
Six Tips on Fashion
Amy's Postcards
where is Amy taking the postcards tonight?
What does Tom think he'ss never have to do again?
What does Tom want Pam to do with the booK?
Borrowing Things
What does Pam often forget?
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