110-1 視光微生物課程安排
1. Bacterial conjunctivitis (2012) (老師講解)
2. The Best of All Worlds Streptococcus pneumoniae Conjunctivitis through the Lens of Community Ecology and Microbial Biogeography(2019)(許鎵瓘)
3. Antibacterial effects of antibiotics and cell-free preparations of probiotics against Staphylococcus aureus (2020)(高靖媛,楊孟儒)
4. Moraxella nonliquefaciens and M. osloensis Are Important Moraxella Species That Cause Ocular Infections(2019)(羅芳君,王小艷)
5.Early and early disseminated phases of Lyme disease in the rhesus monkey a model for infection in humans(1993)(洪淑樺)
6. Endophthalmitis (2013)(黃佩姿,王恩琪)
7. Serratia marcescens Infections in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs)(2019)(洪郁菱,王凱逸)
8. Alpha herpes virus type and viral load in intraocular fluids in patients with acute retinal necrosis(2019)(林子翔,顏呈儒)
9.Extralesional microvascular and structural macular abnormalities in cytomegalovirus retinitis(2020)(吳雅芳,林沛岑)
10.The great imitator on the rise ocular and optic nerve manifestations in patients with newly diagnosed syphilis (2019)(范佩琪,陳姵予)
11.Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Acute Retinal Necrosis (2020)(劉靖妘,羅欣雅)