Part I introduction
part II basic molecular biology
part III molecular diagnostic technologies
part IV other clinical diagnostic technologies
part V quality assurance in the molecular diagnostics laboratory
part VI applications of molecular diagnostics for genetic diseases
part VII applications of molecular diagnostics for human cancers
part VIII applications of molecular diagnosis for infectious diseases
Part X Molecular Pathology for Cancer (Huang LR)
Part X (Clinical application of Molecular Diagnosis in Pathology) (Huang LR)
Part X (antibody for IHC) (Huang LR)
Part X molecular pathology (Huang LR)
Part X (new target therapy PD-L1) (1)(Huang LR)
Part X (new target therapy PD-L1) (2)(Huang LR)
Applications of Molecular Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases-陳世順
Applications of molecular diagnostics to identity-based testing-蕭懿民
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